Thursday, December 12, 2013

Big Bucks

this week was very long for me, nothing really happened to tell the truth. we just learned about banking and different accounts that you can open in the bank. we also learned about interest and how when you put money in the bank you can gain interest on that money making more money. it turns out that you can make big bucks on that. you can make money, a lot of money. only if you leave it there for a long time to gain a lot of compound interest, if you can do that then in no time your money will double.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bad Banks

in this week of class we started to learn about the banks and how mean the banks can be. it turns out that they have a lot of ways to mess your life up. so i don't think i will never  get a credit card, ill just pay for everything in exact change.  we also had to buy a cell phone with our  precious money, i wanted to get a flip phone but i wasn't allowed so i settled with a smart phone that was only 99 cents. i think that's a pretty good deal. so now i have a nice phone and i still live in a box. other then that we didn't really do all that much.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Weserville cash!

well this week in econ class we started a new unit on money and spit into islands that only have a certain material that is special to that island. Our island has diamonds and we plan on using these diamonds as a currency on this island to buy things. Also we have a currency in weserville now, now we need to buy different things in the class and this goes with the lesson were we learn about currency and what can be currency. Right now i don't have much money because the weserville bank isn't working right now so i am poor right now.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Government Returns

this is the last week of econ till the midterm test... then we have even more econ. the government re opened this week, even though not much happened when it was close. we couldn't do what ever we wanted because the government was still regulating things. and another catastrophe happened in weserville, a flood has occurred. weserville cant seem to catch a break, so the clean up efforts have started. in other news the stock market game has ended, sad i know but it needed to happen. at the end of the stock market game i got in the green almost 90$ in the green! its not much but it was good enough for me.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Rebuilding plans

well this week was a total week without any government, the country did not collapse.... yet. but in weserville it did collapse, there has been a terrible event that has occurred a TORNADO ripped through weserville. but do not worry my good people we are repairing the white picket fence that was in weserville for as long as i can remember, who knows we might also get a fresh coat of white paint on it to. but other than that we had to do a project on something to do with advertising, and had a surprise pop quiz which isn't a really good surprise.

Friday, September 20, 2013

these blogs are slowly killing me, i'm not kidding about that. this week we learned about the stock market and got to make something else for weserville. we still need to decide where we will put them. other than that i have no clue what we did. i got a good grade on the second test like i predicted thank you for reading this very short blog! comment, i want candy from the prize box

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Terrible countries

OK my task was to make a blog on modern stuff, so here it is! in school we took are first test, i did not get a good grade. next time ill try harder I don't know maybe i guess, we are neglecting weserville so we can learn different things about economics but weserville needs us. other than that we are learning about the different kinds of economy. and we also watched a video on the different countries with the economy we are studying. those videos show how terrible the other countries are, that makes me feel happy to live in the good old US of A.